RedisORM v0.2.0 Latest PyPI version Number of PyPI downloads

RedisORM is just a quick and simple little Key-Value group to Python Object mapper that makes it easier to have somewhat more complex structures in Redis. While a similar structure could be achieved by using a Redis hash, this module also allows for lists and future support for Redis data structures is hopefully planed, making this more helpful than basic hashs.

There is a small test suite provided. It requires an actual Redis install that is up and running. If you want too change the address then please take a look in the test directory. The tests are automatically ran each commit, thanks to and coverage is provided by and this documentation is kindly hosted and automatically rebuilt by

If you find this project helpful and would like to make a small donation, I’m available on Gittip:

A Few Minor Warnings

  1. This is a very early release, and although I’ve been using a large part of this code for about a year now, things are still going to break and not function well. Don’t be afraid to submit a bug report or a patch on Github to fix something.
  2. I’m only a second year university student, and software isn’t even my major; I’m working towards an Electrical and Computer Engineering degree, so not only do I have limited time to keep this maintained, but I also probably won’t write the best code ever.
  3. This project follows the semantic versioning specs. All Minor and patch versions will not break the major versions API, however a bump of the major version signifies that backwards compatibility will most likely be broken in some way.

Quick start

This module provides a basic object mapper for groups of Redis keys.


The model stores all its data with a Redis key structure like so: namespace:key:part

  1. namespace - the key prefix
  2. key - the actual name or id of this object
  3. part - the specific element of the model

Basic use is like so:

>>> import redis
>>> from redisORM import RedisModel
>>> redis_instance = redis.StrictRedis("localhost", db=0)

Lets create a new model:

>>> sample1 = RedisModel(namespace="test", key="sample1", conn=redis_instance)
>>> sample1 
<RedisModel.RedisModel ...>

And now lets add some data to it. Two strings and a list:

>>> = "Ludwig Van Beethoven"
>>> sample1["era"] = "Classical" # you can also treat it like a dictionary (with some missing features)
>>> sample1.famous_works = ["Symphony No.5", "Symphony No.7", "Symphony No.9"] # Lists have limited support also

Along with setting data you can also access data, both like an object property or by using the dictionary index style:

>>> sample1["name"]
'Ludwig Van Beethoven'
>>> sample1.era
>>> sample1.famous_works
['Symphony No.5', 'Symphony No.7', 'Symphony No.9']

You can also check for a property in the model:

>>> "name" in sample1
>>> "age" in sample1
>>> "Symphony No.9" in sample1.famous_works


All code for this can be found online at github. If something is broken, or a feature is missing, please submit a pull request or open an issue. Most things I probably won’t have time to get around to looking at too deeply, so if you want it fixed, a pull request is the way to go. In your pull request please provide an explanation as to what your request is for, and what benefit it provides. Also, please try to match the style of the code, or make sure your code is nearly all PEP8 compliant just to maintain code consistency.

Besides that, this project is licensed under the MIT License as found in the LICENSE.txt file. Enjoy!



This library will only raise a subclass of RedisORMException if it encounters a problem.

class redisORM.redis_model.RedisORMException[source]

The general exception class which is raised by this module. Nothing special.

Model Class

Besides RedisORMException, this Model class should be the only other class you need to use in this library. It acts as a simple dict style object which will back all its data in Redis.

class redisORM.redis_model.RedisModel(namespace=None, key=None, conn=None, **kwargs)[source]

Emulates a python object for the data stored in the collection of keys which match this models, in Redis. Raw data from the redis is stored in _data which is a RedisKeys instance. This allows for the black magic which makes this class store changes in realtime to redis.

This object has a __repr__ method which can be used with print or logging statements. It will give the id and a representation of the internal _data RedisKeys for debugging purposes.

namespace = None
key = None
conn = None

A hook called at the end of the main __init__ to allow for custom inherited classes to customize their init process without having to redo all of the existing int. This should accept nothing besides self and nothing should be returned.

get(attr, default=None)[source]

Acts like a dict.get() where it will return a default if no matching value was found for the given key.

  • attr – The key to look for. If this is found then its value is returned, otherwise default is returned.
  • default – The default to return if no match was found.
classmethod new(id=None, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a new instance, filling out the models data with the keyword arguments passed, so long as those keywords are not in the protected items array.


Deletes the current instance, if its in the database (or try).


Provides a cleaner interface to dynamically add items to the models list of protected functions to not store in the database

Helper Classes

These classes help make RedisModel function smoothly and allow for the easy addition of new Redis data structures. Most of the time you should have a need for these classes, although admittedly, the RedisList does come in handy once in a while for a list like object that backs its data in an actual Redis list.

class redisORM.redis_model.RedisList(key, conn, start=[], reset=False)[source]

Attempts to emulate a python list, while backing the list in redis. This supports most of the common list functions, except as noted.

Generally speaking, you won’t have to create an instance of this class, however if you are working with a list then this is the class you’ll get back, not a list class.


Most notably, this is currently missing the sort and reverse functions.

insert(index, elem)[source]
class redisORM.redis_model.RedisKeys(key, namespace='', conn=None)[source]

Where the realtime syncing and updating takes place.

A dict like object which is used as the backing data store for RedisModel.

Aka: The Source of Magic


Deletes all the keys from redis along with emptying the objects internal _data dict, then deleting itself at the end of it all.


Retrieves a part of the model from redis and stores it.

Parameters:part – The part of the model to retrieve.
Raises RedisORMException:
 If the redis type is different from string or list (the only two supported types at this time.)
get_default(part, default=None)[source]

Works just like a dict‘s get() method, returning the default if no matching key was found.

  • part – The key which to look for
  • default – The default to return if no match was found